Sunday, December 2, 2007

Leave it to me!

How can anyone crash while running? I keep hearing the quote in my head over and over like in a league of their own movie "There is NO Crashing in running!"

So let me set the scene for you it is the night before Thanksgiving and the temps are in the middle 60's and it is a little damp out but a very nice night for running. I go out for a 5.5 miler and I am cruising along slowly building up my speed and I am nearing the end of the run and clipping off 7:00 min miles when I step on a piece of slick sidewalk.

BL AM! I hit the ground so hard the wind is knocked out of me. and I have mud all over my legs. It only gets better I finish my run (about 1/2 mile) sit down to cool off and notice that my ribs hurt like hell now than the adrenaline is not pumping. long story short I broke two ribs and It hurts to lay down so I get to sleep in the recliner.

Thanksgiving Morn I do a 5K with Alexa and the 1st mile she is killing me as my ribs are really hurting then they loosing up some and I feel o.k. she does the 5k in 30:30 at a 9:56 pace pretty good for an eight year old.

So leave it to me to find a way to crash while running. The Doper is hurt again, not to worry the good Dr. will have me fixed up soon. the good dope is on the way.

--I know dope you do not.

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